it's all said and done a fathers visitation rights are left to hinge
solely on the mood swings of the mother. Fathers are forced to ride
out the parental non compliance bi - polar coaster hoping they will
eventually be able to have something that remotely resembles the
reasonable relationship with his child that the Courts and Divorce
Lawyers promised him. For untold numbers of fathers this never
happens and he instead discovers that the Rights described in Court
provided handbooks, pamphlets, and brochures are all easily
circumvented by vindictive mothers. Beat feet mothers moving pillar
to post skipping Town and State if necessary in all too common
disappearing acts and the Office of Child Support continues
collections against the father even though they have no valid
address and can't provide the father with any contact information
for whereabouts unknown mommies or their children. These cases
remain open for collections only, where a mothers right to use
children as pawns is given precedence over a father and Childs Rights to a relationship. Fathers are left in a catch 22 when the
Courts continue collections and any time spent in Court or pursuing
his children is likely to land him behind in child support payments
and in arrears, perhaps earning him deadbeat status through no fault
of his own. A fathers Rights have been 'set aside' and all the Courts really have are 'Visitation suggestions' and 'parenting time guidelines'. For decades now mothers have not only jumped all over this weakness taking full advantage of this loophole they've exploited it to epidemic proportions. In other words they've told the Courts and fathers where they can stick these simple suggestions and unenforceable guidelines. The Courts are fully aware of this and any vindictive mother quickly realizes her unaccountable options. She can pack up and split without notice and the Courts aren't about to go looking for her. Especially when they stand to inherit the millions of undistributed lost and found dollars fathers have paid but never makes it to any child because the Courts can't locate these whereabouts unknown mommies. As of their most recently released 2002 figures this phenomenon had happened a convenient $657 million times. No wonder the Courts like disappearing mommy acts. Yeah, we'd all like to see the 2008 numbers of this recurring theme and what exactly becomes of those millions?
Fathers spend thousands in attorney fees in attempts to establish some form of legal foothold here to no avail when these mothers have an arsenal of weapons at her disposal and receive free legal representation from a Collection Agency with its own Judges, Referees, Caseworkers, and Accounting Department all in the palm of its hand. All with their hands out profiting from this intentional bastardization of children. Most fathers don't even realize whose side the Parental Pirates are on until the damage is already done. They've wasted valuable time wrongly assuming the Courts will be fair and just and expect that the Court will honor his Rights to a reasonable relationship with his child. They wait until the time comes and their Rights are being trampled to ask the Courts for help only to learn now that these Courts aren't really in the business of enforcing Visitation and they are conveniently CLOSED on weekends when most Visitations are scheduled. When is the last time you've seen a non compliant mother arrested for her negligent actions? Make no mistake the Courts have chosen a side and securing or defending a fathers Visitation Rights is not even on the to do list. Child Support Collection Agencies do two things, collections, and more ruthless collections. In their haste and chaos of this mad money grab there is little time left for much other than some occasional and necessary damage control. All else is only done to keep up public persona and little more than smoke and mirrors deception while going through the motions. The general publics misconception that paying fathers automatically have and get the Rights they are entitled are a result of preemptive strikes at damage control by the always one step ahead Office of Child Support. Fathers who pay and are denied all contact with their child must have done something wrong, or the ever popular myth that they simply walk away from children they pay for because they don't desire any relationship with the child. No one in their right mind pays $30,000 - $100,000 for anything let alone their own child and simply chooses to walk away. Yet these are the myths of legend we are supposed to believe. The Department of Health & Human Services and the Office of Child Support work together to crank out and release thousands of reports and statistics all confirming the deadbeat boogey man exists and not one on how many millions of their over 15 million strong case load involve fathers and children who are actively being denied any and all their Rights to a relationship. Who are forced to suffer a multitude of injustices and corruption while simultaneously being strong arm robbed of their Children, Rights and money. With over 1 million new cases and defrauded fathers added to the system and Child Support labor camps every year where are these statistics? The Courts awarded her custody in the first place because that is the situation that is most profitable for them, that is the situation they want, and those are the circumstances they prefer to keep for eighteen plus years of job security and child support collections. Men are labeled the defendant and mother and child live in alleged poverty. It is highly unlikely the Court is going to reverse that decision and mothers know there is very little they can do to hold her accountable. The Court needs her for keeping the Collections and Enforcement machine running. Given this situation the Court is much more likely to use its well rehearsed dirty tactics of visitation discouragement against fathers. It might be subtle at first but it's there and the deception and evasive resistance used by these Caseworkers and Courts is routine and standard operating procedure for them. It's worked on thousands of fathers before you and is always fluffed off where every father is treated as if he is the first and only deadbeat dirt bag discriminated against to ever have a complaint or be unhappy with their great and friendly services. Fathers are denied decades and lifetimes of ever seeing the child they're paying for and further denied access to necessary documents and information by slick and sleazy Court workers who pretend to be confused or not comprehend what your asking for and even outright claim they don't have it. Although she'll promptly provide the very same form the very next day after she is informed of her legal obligation to do so per her boss at the State Office of Child Support. Caseworkers are frequently changed up or gone for the day so any headway a persistent father was gaining will have to start from the beginning and be explained all over again. Consecutive calls will suddenly find that you now have to provide name and social security number just to make it past some unofficial gatekeeper screening your calls. Handbooks, pamphlets, and brochures that claim non discrimination policies are very confusing revelations to the gender biased daddy bashers stumbling for an excuse when, for example a wrongly accused alleged father says as this child's parent I want access to the Court blood/DNA test program which clearly states is available to parents and does not discriminate. Well, they are then forced to reveal their true colors and discriminate. TRICKS OF THE TRADE A Visitation Complaint Form is what is necessary to file for Visitation Enforcement when a father and child's Rights are being denied and trampled. While the State Office of Child Support will tell you that these Family Courts have to provide such forms by law when you return and finally do get one you'll want to make copies as you'll need to file every week or instance of denied visitation until you are finally granted a Hearing several months later. All this is done by design to stall, resist, and get fathers used to the concept of paying for a child he doesn't see. Mothers are given ample time to formulate better excuses, or change the situation entirely and the Courts will act as little more than her accomplice here as they search for any excuse to shut the door on fathers. Like I said some of it is subtle but weeks, become months and you haven't even been to Court yet to face real resistance and discrimination that's in store, where the Court will assist the mother in turning those months into years and even lifetimes. Here the Court appointed robe wearing Referee will look at the father and sarcastically ask, "Why all of a sudden do you want to be father of the year?" Immediately followed by, "Sir are you recording this?" Since you will not be permitted to use any recording device you may have brought you will have to purchase a Court doctored transcript at your expense. On the other hand, the mother who lost / surrendered custody of her children for six years and never paid one dime in support, fraudulently collected welfare, lied about paternity, when asked by the Court can't even provide her own children's Social Security numbers, further admits to an affair and questionable paternity at best, contracted hepatitis, admits to lying to her children in her attempts to deny visitation will not be held accountable and instead will receive Court provided free legal representation for her non compliance and condoning of her shoddy and sloppy part time parenting. Nothing and no wrong doing on the fathers part is necessary for the Court to escalate the situation to a level that can't be resolved at this particular Hearing so all bets are off until further notice. Further notice that decades later has and never will come. That's how it's done. When you file a grievance with her superiors at the Office of Child Support they will of course condone and applaud her well versed gender biased discrimination skills. When you see who profits and the sizable salaries with job security involved you begin to realize why the Family Courts have had a vested interest in not only driving the dysfunctional family wedge further between father and child but they'd like to keep it there for as long as possible. Child head count, caseload and at least eighteen years of residual income and job security are at stake for the deadbeat bounty hunters and are some pretty good incentives. Visitation is not just a conflict of interest it's bad for business. Fathers who see to much of their child are entitled to parenting time reductions from their financial obligation and this means pay cuts all around for the Child Extort profiteers. These sneaky hidden agenda Courts are telling mothers behind your back that if she let's you see the child she will not be able to collect all the support she deserves. Another reason Visitation is intentionally discouraged and denied is the Courts know they run the real risk of a child choosing to live with the father instead and that would mean serious job losses for the self appointed parental experts who've conveniently decided it's in the best interest of the children to use methods of corruption and deception to chase their daddies away or simply throw them in jail to remove them from the equation. Fathers for the most part have been naive easy prey for the Courts and unaware of the dirty tactics routinely used by mothers and these Courts to gain the upper hand against him. Little does he suspect the Courts secret agendas for assisting even crack head mothers in successfully denying him Visitation. The reasons for a mothers vindictiveness run the gamete from disliking a fathers new wife or girlfriend to a child returning home overly excited and describing what a great time was had with dad. Insecure mothers immediately view this as a threat not a good thing. The child may want to go live with the father and after all the time she spent painting him as a monster she may lose her power, control, and meal ticket. Fathers can't win, he's either a bad man or to good for his own good. Even a mothers latest live in can be more motivation for relocating and ducking her parental responsibilities. When it comes to denying fathers Visitation with their children mothers have plenty of options here. She can lie to the children and ship them off for the weekend. She can tell the children their father basically doesn't love them which is helpful in building up the Childs own resentment. Her latest boyfriend can be enlisted and after being told false horror stories of abuse she can conveniently turn an unsuspecting fathers attempt to pick up his child into a domestic dispute nightmare effectively painting dad as the psycho bad guy and laying the ground work for restraining orders against him. The local police are not going to resolve the issue curb side or are they about to wrestle any child from a tearful academy winning performance by the mother. Dad will be sent home empty handed or hauled off to jail. Mothers know this, the Courts know this, the only ones it's been kept a big secret from is fathers, by design so it can still effectively be used against him. Once the dirty can of worms has been opened the mother will always have a couple aces up her sleeve. She can pack up and do the beat feet boogey like so many do or she can go nuclear and drop the A bomb of false sexual or abuse allegations, which is growing in popularity because of its effectiveness. It happens far too often and fathers are forced to pit their meager earnings against an adversary with millions at its disposal and now his time will be spent disproving a negative while the children are unnecessarily drug through mud by these unaccountable mothers with an axe to grind. They all enjoy the unaccountable luxury beyond reproach for fear of the one that may not be crying wolf. Any mother guilty of this belongs in prison where she can sort out the costs of using her children as little more than self serving pawns. Fathers who become aware of all the vindictive tactics used can see them coming and are much less susceptible to fall prey or become victims of any of these dirty tactics. Understand that even a non vindictive mother has partnered up with a Child Support System that not only seems to encourage this vindictive behavior, it endorses, supports, condones and defends it. Fathers who volunteer too much information to acquaintances, buddies, and the Courts can be asking for trouble. Banking and financial information, goals and plans for the future and other information in the wrong hands can come back to bite you. Courts love having direct deposit and all your banking information and fathers are one error away from having his bank account seized. Especially when the Extort Courts attitude is basically, 'He has children, what's he doing with money in the bank?' Every man likes to think his ex wouldn't sleep with his best bud but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Vindictive mothers do not want to see you become successful to any degree and together with the Child Extort Courts help they will spend considerable effort to ensure your demise. Something as simple as putting a vehicle up for sale in your driveway will find a mother in Court the following morning with pictures of your expected income and a mother and Court wanting their cut. Pulling up for visitation in a brand new truck can be a signal to mothers that someone got a raise and the Courts aren't taking enough of his money. When fathers realize that in the mother and Courts eyes you are not allowed to obtain any level of success or enjoy any of the fruits of his labor they might become a little more discreet regarding their livelihood. When fathers come to face the fact that these vindictive mothers and for profit Child Extort Courts will do every thing in their power to see that you are left to meek out a miserable existence fathers may begin to fight these injustices and develop plans of his own to combat this. What good is a broke father to any child yet this is the father the deadbeat bounty hunters intentionally create for their own profit and job security. Fathers are raked over the coals and squeezed of every dime even chased from gainful employment by ridiculously high orders and Courts that routinely take over and above any legal limits of his weekly income. What good is an incarcerated father who has been imprisoned by a system that has taken all his money then said it wasn't enough?
Why don't they award fathers custody? Many fathers have begged for custody even suggesting they would raise the child without government assistance or any support from the mother. That there will be pay cuts and loss of job security is not what these Courts want to hear. These Family Courts and Child Support Judges, Referees, and Caseworkers all make their living handling caseloads and shuffling parents through the system and then collecting huge amounts of child support for eighteen years or more, it's the same formula every time, where fathers are labeled the defendant and even terrible mothers are awarded custody. They create the problem for which they are the solution. Mother and child living in alleged poverty is the situation these Courts need and have to have so collections and enforcements can be taken up against the deadbeat boogey man. They crank out thousands of reports and statistics to justify their own existence in their quest for more authority, more power, and more money. Of course the multitude of injustices perpetrated by these corrupt Courts against countless fathers and their children are not even a blip on the screen or worthy of their statistics. Awarding fathers custody would be terribly bad for business and these Courts know any mother incompetent enough to lose custody in one of their fixed Courts is highly unlikely to ever pay one dime in Child Support. The Office of Child Support knows if the tables were turned they would never collect $25 billion dollars annually from non-fit mothers. Fathers who would take their child and walk away from the system are a threat to their system and as such fathers are treated as enemies. Both covertly and overtly these Courts and the Office of Child Support absolutely discriminate against fathers and men in general out of necessity for their own survival. Even if fathers paid the entire alleged Child Support debt in full tomorrow how many of these Child Support fat cats and Office Vultures are going to voluntarily resign while proclaiming my job here is complete?