Unsuspecting Fathers
are easy prey for the Child Support Enforcement Collection Agency.
He wrongly assumes the Court will be honest, fair and protect his
Rights. His ill placed trust can be more costly than he ever
imagined. He is completely unprepared to deal with Offices full of
well versed professionals who have honed their skills of deception,
evasive and misleading resistance, atrocious bookkeeping,
destruction and denial of documents, and a lengthy list of widely
used and dirty tactics all fine tuned on countless Fathers before
you. All designed to effectively rob you of your child, your rights,
and your money. Here standard operating procedure and the office
policy of absolute gender biased discrimination is conveniently
disguised as 'In the best interest of the children' and your rights
have been 'set aside'. Sugar-coated Court provided Handbooks,
pamphlets, and brochures are only the beginning of misleading
deception and do nothing to help Fathers appropriately size up the
enemy. Yes, it all looks good on paper and only on paper. The Office of Child Support is a Collection Agency with its own Judges, Referees, Caseworkers, and Accounting Department all in the palm of its hand and powers that rival the I.R.S. They can and do garnish wages Nation wide, intercept your taxes, seize bank accounts and assets, revoke drivers and business licenses, and have you arrested and thrown in jail or prison. Do you think there might be some corruption and abuses of powers prevalent in the Child Support System? Do you think you are safe and it won't happen to you? There are not only incentives for this corruption, job security, sizable salaries, State and Federal rewards, all flown under the false flag and allegedly done "In the best interest of the children" they have full license and public approval to turn you into a deadbeat then hunt you down. Yes there is a very profitable reason behind this intentional bastardization of children where Fathers are chased off in droves into the preferred deadbeat silent stupor of ATM daddies, kid jacked and strong arm robbed of his rights and money. The Judges, Referees, Caseworkers, are not charity workers and the Office of Child Support is hardly non profit. Divorce and separations are big money and these self appointed parental experts that claim to know what's best for your child are in a multi-billion dollar feeding frenzy. Unfortunately that amounts to fattening their own purses at the expense of fathers and their children. Ruthless, unethical, and illegal measures are used to feed the Child Support System Billion Dollar Beast and Fathers need to know the creatures habits. Men are labeled the defendant and Fathers and alleged Fathers alike are all bullied and mowed down with a vengeance by the power mad money hungry vultures. When you realize what's really going on here you understand why the Courts seem to act as little more than a mothers accomplice in every area and every instance. Why even a lousy mother is good enough for the Courts to award custody. Why the mother can pretty much flip the Judge and the Courts the middle finger and a Father is routinely treated like deadbeat scum, to be raked over the coals, milked of every dime, and hunted down like animals. It's not profitable or good for business to award custody to the Fathers. The Courts are fully aware of the dismal track record for mothers who can't manage to keep their child in a win win situation and how unlikely they are to ever pay one dime in Child Support. Judges are aware that in the rare instance a father is awarded custody the Office of Child Support has just taken a sizable pay cut. The Child Support System has developed into a posse of self appointed parental experts perched on pedestals, above the law with a vested interest in driving the dysfunctional family wedge further and keeping it there for a long time. Mother and child in alleged poverty is not only needed to justify their existence, it is their bread and butter and what they will defend above all else. Your child equals caseload, head count, and job security usually for eighteen plus years. Who wouldn't like to have 18 plus years of residual income and job security with a fat salary? Child Support is that business. Which is why private collection agencies are popping up all over the place trying to claim their piece of corruption pie. Few are allowed to cut in on the Child Support turf and many are quickly shut down, interestingly enough for defrauding the public. Not so long ago the Office of Child Support was collecting on behalf of the State and welfare mothers but with cuts in welfare the Child Extort buzzards have expanded operations to include feeding on all fathers, situations, and every divorce is now automatically routed to include their services. Opting out is not only difficult, both parents would also have to prove their case before a Judge. New Fathers need to know in advance they face well honed skills from years of Dad Bashing welfare cases and disguising their absolute gender biased discrimination policy. They are professionals at treating every man like a deadbeat dirt bag behind closed doors while pretending it's just you and your case is the only one with any complaints. You are not the only one, there are thousands and thousands of us on both sides, Fathers and Mothers.
FATHERS WHO DON'T WATCH CHILD SUPPORT BOOKKEEPING LIKE A HAWK ARE BEGGING FOR TROUBLE One major problem is not just the ruthless measures used to force men to pay for children that aren't theirs, children they're never permitted to see, children that are totally unsupervised, and a multitude of other ugly situations. A huge issue is that the unaccountable Child Support Collection Agencies tack on several thousand dollars to a fathers account and these type of rampant clerical errors are encouraged and not always discovered by Fathers. Anything a Father is overcharged is not a clerical error but conveniently dismissed as a non refundable gift to his child. So what if he can't possibly afford it and faces jail for a charge that the arresting officer will call child neglect when he hasn't paid for the Courts mistakes. There are also State and Federal incentives / rewards at stake for Offices to establish high support orders, create huge arrearages then collect huge dollar amounts and percentages. A secret competition if you will, amongst Child Support Agencies. Child Support Courts have a track record of overcharging Fathers, using hugely exaggerated numbers, grossly inflated and intentionally doctored numbers all designed to further drive up the deadbeat deficit while turning fathers into deadbeats and putting Fathers behind or in arrears where several additional charges are then applied to the run away account. Processing, Court, Statutory, and annual surcharges are some of the additional charges tacked on to what is now intentionally corrupted Child Extort not Child Support. We're not talking about a few dollars more missing from your check at the end of the week. The Courts routinely attempt to take 100% of these fathers weekly pay, seize any money in bank accounts and I assure you supposed laws regarding how much they can take DO NOT APPLY. Fathers are chased from gainful employment when the Courts take entire paychecks or a combination of both his bank account and his weekly income. What's worse is vindictive mothers are all for helping create the deadbeat boogey man while they receive anonymity from welfare fraud, paternity fraud, false testimony, and share in the Courts win fall and absolute unaccountable status. They love to create the most disgusting and imaginary million dollar deadbeat monsters for publicity stunts while never revealing any facts to the case or anything remotely close to the truth. Every deadbeat dad is of course a multi-millionaire hiding out on his own private island with his yacht hitched nearby while he refuses to come off of one dime for his dying ex wife and ailing children. The general public has been duped by deceit and bought this hook line and sinker. As a Father caught in this system you cannot afford to let your guard down, turn your back, or have the wool pulled over your eyes. The Child Support Courts the general public endorses and the silent corrupt and actual running system are two entirely different animals. Many former Child Support Enforcement Officers are coming out and admitting their own atrocious bookkeeping, the wrong father is charged for someone else's child, a father several States away receives all of another fathers personal information, documents are destroyed, yearly audits reveal multiple choice amounts for total a father owes, checks and sizable sums of a fathers money are mailed all over town to last known bad addresses in search of whereabouts unknown mommies, and absolute gender biased discrimination is hidden Office policy and standard operating procedure. Wrongly accused men are denied access to blood or DNA tests, Fathers are denied access to necessary forms, documents etc... that these Courts are required by law to provide. Discrimination policies are consistently violated and Fathers Rights are trampled at every level of the Child Support System. THE OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT REHASHES THE SAME OLD DEADBEAT STATISTICS & NEVER INCLUDE THE WHOLE TRUTH Whereabouts unknown mommies are a growing and huge problem because for years now the Courts have condoned and allowed mothers to skip town or jump States in their efforts to deny fathers their rights and any contact with the children they're paying for. The Courts have no valid contact information regarding the mother or child while collections against the Father continue. The Courts condone and assist mothers in these parental non compliance activities for the very fact that they then inherit millions in undistributed Child Support dollars. Fathers have paid their Child Support, but approximately $657 million never found it's way to one child. This lost and found has become a political hot potato when States are not following laws regarding this money and it has basically come up missing! States like Michigan owe nearly $8,000,000 in back child support they have extorted from Fathers but refuse year after year to cough it up. The US Department of Health & Human Services is scrambling for damage control over this deadbeat debacle since publicly available Inspector General Reports at their own website detail this corruption and fraud and make any damage control or excuses rather difficult. Certainly it would be "In the best interest of the children" if the State Offices of Child Support and the biggest deadbeats of all weren't one and the same? These Governments pimps are getting fat rich. There are several tricks used by these Extort Courts to get fathers into an arrears situation where the numbers can then run wild. Aside from the obvious where the Court sets ridiculously high Child Support Order amounts or uses visitation discouragement to assist the mother in denying the Father contact with his child until he refuses to pay in protest, the Court has many other methods for insuring there will always be deadbeat dads to chase around the Country. The very first notice and contact a father receives for Child Support is a guesstimation at best that can include chargings for estimated income, alleged income, and periods of time you were actually living with and supporting your child all based on whatever the mother has said. Waiting until the amount is large and then notifying the father of the debt helps achieve the same goal here. The Father gets the bill proclaims, "Are they crazy," and crumples it up before tossing it in the trash out of anger. They win by default and the amount is entered as unpaid Child Support he now owes. The father had so many days to respond and contest the alleged amount (all the small print) and instead is now an arrestable deadbeat offender in an instant. This is all done by design while intended to look as innocent or accidental. Much of what the Family Court Collection Agencies do is very slick and deceitful and Fathers are discovering that a pattern of these accidental coincidences are much more than a recurring theme. Trickery and deceit are standard operating procedures for the deadbeat crusaders whose livelihood is derived from separating Fathers from their Children and their money. WHY DO FATHERS LET THEM GET AWAY WITH ALL THESE INJUSTICES? Often Fathers are busy just trying to keep up payments while the Courts see to it that he is left with little money and options to fightthe Court injustices. Getting a good lawyer is rather difficult when first off good lawyers willing to spend time in this arena are few and far between. We've all seen the signs 'Get the child support you deserve' and lawyers have found it much more profitable representing mothers where the team can divvy up a husband and fathers assets. Secondly a lawyer that does wind up representing a father knows that for the most part he is just taking the fathers money and not going to change the system. Individual Fathers spend thousands to achieve some form of reasonable rights to no avail. No matter how much a father spends his rights to a relationship with the child he's paying for ultimately still hinge on the mood swings of the mother. All the varying degrees of custody levels mean little when the mother know she will never be arrested for skipping out on dad or leaving State amongst countless other ways mothers successfully deprive children and fathers of their rights every day in this Country. Mothers are simply not held accountable and as such there are many different ways a mother can successfully put an end to any father child relationship. Creatively vindictive mothers can hurl unaccountable false sexual or abuse allegations and in an instant a fathers life and reputation is turned upside down. Far too often dads assume he'll do his duty, pay his child support, see his child and that'll be the end of it. He doesn't see the encroaching enemy for what it is or how he can easily wind up spending a lifetime with a Child Support millstone around his neck. 18 - 22 years is quite a long time to not miss a days work, get laid off, change jobs, or miss a child support payment. This is quite a long time for everything to go perfect and run smoothly and fathers are expected to be consummate good little child support soldiers and financial slaves to the ex and the system. He is forced to endure and suffer a multitude of injustices perpetrated by mothers and the Courts who have simultaneously joined forces and ganged up on him to ensure his downfall. It is not just that spiteful and vindictive mothers spend considerably more time in ensuring a fathers failure while attempting to still control every area of his life by using the children as pawns, it is that she has a taxpayer paid for free legal defense team with millions at their disposal and fathers are forced to pit what's left of his meager earnings to obtain some form of equal footing and representation. He is left attempting to send the unwilling into the unknown to accomplish the impossible. The Family Extort Courts of Child Support are not accountable to Fathers nor do they answer to him simply because they aren't required to and don't have to. They already have all the necessary power and tools to TAKE everything from you they want and they don't need your consent or approval. The self appointed Parental Experts intend to share joint physical custody of your Child with the mother only as they grease each others palms with job security, sizable salaries and hush money. Here you will find that the intentional bastardization of Children for profit is a slick and gradual process of incrementally setting aside your Rights and encroaching until you're slowly accustomed to the idea of being kid-jacked and simultaneously strong arm robbed of your money and Rights. This well rehearsed routine is played out everyday in local Child Support Offices in various dad bashing Hearings full of Visitation Discouragement overtones. Even when an innocent man is proven not to be a child's father which is intentionally made very difficult by the Courts which prefer not to be proven wrong, not to have such embarrassing truths exposed, and not to have their parental expertise questioned in the first place, these Courts have been reluctant to reverse any actions and do not refund monies extorted from innocent men. The Child Support Courts are like a fully loaded semi trailer at one hundred miles per hour. They aren't real good at stopping once action has begun and these Family Courts frequently leave an awful mess. They don't undo things and don't pay Fathers back, ever. State Offices of Child Support are refusing to cough up millions in owed money to the Federal Government, the Child Support Gods of the land refuse to pay their own Child Support obligations so obviously the aren't about to crumble before a few hundred thousand innocent men whose Rights they've trampled. However, change is coming. Fathers are fed up and organizing in strong numbers. Every Father should be an active member in one or more of these organizations, even if it's just to share your story or manage a blog or post site. This enemy of fathers and their children has been identified and war is being waged. The same Family Court horror stories have been shared over and over by millions of Fathers. Men are not about to sit idly by as we are thrown in debtors prisons for fictitious accounts created by malicious profiteers and robe wearing racketeers. Fathers are not about to be incarcerated by the masses where his only real crime is doing absolutely nothing. Like any criminal enterprise someone always gets to greedy. When countless millions of dollars start to come up missing from Child Support coffers they won't be able to pin that on the deadbeat boogey man. They will attempt to recover the money with ruthless witch hunts and deadbeat roundups where Fathers all across the land are given one last good thorough raking over the coals. As one Child Support Enforcement Officer so proudly proclaimed, she will, "Hold his feet to the fire," until she gets his money. Family Court insiders are beginning to come out exposing the Child Support System for the organized crime and corruption it really is and confirming exactly what Fathers have known all along. Their own are turning against them. The Office of Child Support and Family Courts have enjoyed the best of covers, like wolves in sheep's clothing the false flag was proudly waved 'In the best interest of the children' while fathers and men in general were forced to suffer a multitude of injustices and paid dearly for the privilege of being robbed of his children, rights, and money, and in that order.