Child Support News |
ALL ALONG There's plenty of good old corruption and discrimination for profit inside the Child Support System and after twenty years on the inside Child Support Enforcement Officer Carol Rhodes reveals the her first hand account of these injustices. She saw records destroyed, parents routinely lied to, gender biased discrimination and the corruption fathers have been subjected to for decades. Friend of the Court Enemy of the Family is her book and she has been a guest speaker at Fathers Rights events. CHILD SUPPORT AGENCY FORCES MAN TO PAY FOR A WOMANS IMAGINATION A fifty year old alleged father had his paychecks garnished for five years until he was finally able to expose the paternity fraud. Since Child Support Courts routinely discourages a Fathers Visitation Rights it came as no surprise that he nor the Courts actually ever saw the non existent child he was paying for. It all started when an opportunistic woman posing as a mother took advantage of the Grand Canyon sized hole in the Child Support Systems unaccountability and lackadaisical discernment when she borrowed a neighbors baby just long enough to claim her piece of corruption pie. The innocent man was forced by threat of jail and incarceration to pay for a woman's imagination and a child that was never born. Another fine example of Family Child Support Courts absolute gender biased discrimination and corruption rears its ugly head. Acting in usual fashion and little more than a mothers accomplice the Child Support Agency resisted exposing the fraud and continued with its business as usual, "Shut up and pay, or go to jail deadbeat," bully tactics used over and over on fathers and alleged fathers. It wasn't until the Governors hand was forced to demand an investigation that the guilty until proven not the father verdict could be overturned. The battle continues well over a year after the fact as the Child Support Agency refuses to return one dime of the money they collected or more appropriately extorted from the man. Here yet again the Child Support Collection Agencies who derive a living from using ruthless and corrupted tactics to collect and extort upwards of $25 billion a year not only fail but refuse to pay their own Child Support obligations. The Governors promise to help them recover the money wrongly taken from them has met the same Family Court resistance and brick wall that fathers face daily in these above the law Extort Courts.
Parents tell Court to butt out Federal Incentives Make Children Fatherless
According to publicly available Inspector General Reports there is clear evidence that the Office of Child Support who is responsible for ensuring fathers pay or go to jail have found themselves in quite the pickle. In an ironic twist the Deadbeat Bounty Hunters and the biggest deadbeats of all time are looking like one and the same. Millions of dollars extorted from fathers never makes its way any further than Office of Child Support Collection Agencies fattened purses. The children never see the money and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General isn't having any better luck recovering the looted millions from the deadbeat deadbeat bounty hunters. Undistributed Child Support most recently available numbers are $657,000,000 for 2002, $773,000,000 in 2001. Money that fathers have paid but never found its way to one single child. The money allegedly collected in the best interest of the children appears to have found a small glitch in the Child Support System. They can't find these children or the money! This money sits in Child Support coffers for one year and pursuant to State and Federal law is to be reported, claimed as income, and tuned over to State Treasurer and the Federal Government. However many States like Michigan are not only above any such laws, they pled ignorance of the law as an excuse for failure to cough up nearly $8,000,000 dollars worth of child neglect. That is what refusing to pay child support is called when the very same Office of Child Support has men arrested for the same offense on a much smaller scale right, child neglect? The Michigan Office of Child Support not only refused to pay the piper, they didn't even bother to claim it and conveniently forgot to report it. So if you don't bother to claim or report it , does it still exist? The Report goes on to question why the money was not collecting interest to help offset costs. Perhaps the Office of Child Support being equally parental and financial experts simply doesn't care much for banks and paper trails. One things for certain, failing to even claim or report millions of paid Child Support dollars conveniently helps to further drive up the deadbeat deficit, not reduce it. This also makes it a little easier for a disappearing act if it wasn't for that Inspector General poking his nose around. Now I partially understand why we've become a nation of kid jacked fathers and unaccountable beat feet mothers who have been allowed to skip town and State in her successful bid to deny fathers any contact with the child he's paying for. The Courts have done little more than condone and encourage non compliant mothers who beat feet with child in tow and routinely leave fathers with zero contact information for his child simply because the Courts stand to inherit / pilferage millions and millions of lost and found dollars. We know who the finders keepers are now but is it " in the best interest of the children" to leave them the weepers? Food is being swiped from the tables of those less fortunate by the very self appointed parental professionals who claim to be their protectors. While the wolves in sheep's clothing hold mighty feast our children live in poverty by their own admission and statistics. This is the equivalent of the cockroach exterminator who conveniently leaves a trail of roach eggs every where he goes in order to justify his own existence and validate better statistics for increased demand in services. Should the deadbeat bounty hunters ever take up a serious deadbeat bounty hunting they need look no further than in a mirror.
Undistributed Millions by State
The scoop on Undistributed Child Support |